2009年12月17日,我们成立了这家专注于品牌和创意的公司:道度Alar&Company。经过几年的发展,客户行业由金融发展到金融、汽车、消费品、房地产、政府、文化艺术、科技等领域,业务也由最初的品牌咨询设计发展为全领域的创意传播服务。道度的主要管理团队总共累积了八十余年包括4A在内的品牌战略、创意与传播经验,依据多年国际品牌服务的经验,结合专业品牌知识与理论,形成了独特的品牌工具“品牌大使”(Brand Ambassadorship)和品牌探察“GROW模型”,注重创新、精简和活力,擅长从理念上为客户提供最有效的品牌智力服务。
2012年10月15日,道度与总部位于德国柏林的欧洲顶级设计机构Designlobby设计堂结成战略联盟,可为客户和公司团队共享顶级设计团队,服务更辐射至插画、摄影、建筑设计、动画、艺术策展等领域,旗下设计团队包括2004年雅典奥运会标识的设计公司Red Design Consultants等著名设计机构。
我们是一家以您为始、与众不同的品牌咨询与创意公司:从不以数量作为成功的标准;绝不会放弃精简和高效;更不会为创意而创意。我们代表全新的理念:品牌使节。我们早已发现品牌之道另有蹊径——建立平等友好、愉悦动人的关系既有利于品牌本身,也有利于彼此的业务。正如英文的一句古谚,我们力求成为合作伙伴最需要的创意顾问“a brand in need is a brand indeed.”,我们把这种关系定义为:“品牌之交,须臾不离”。道度以为,表现出独具价值的关系,取悦于人,长期相伴,即为真品牌。这就是我们的主张:品牌使节。
Alar&Company was established in 2009 as a unique branding consultancy founded by some seasoned branding, ad and PR experts. Collectively the management team boasts over 80 years of industrial experiences. After a few years of development, the business has developed from the initial brand consulting and design into all areas of creative communications. Clients from various industries including financial, automobile, consumer goods, real estate, government, art and TMT fields are drawn to Alar, a place where people trust the power of Branding.
On Oct. 15th 2012, we achieved a strategic alliance with an European design cluster Designlobby. Therefore, we can provide a series of top services including product design, illustration, photography, architecture and interior design, animation and interactive, and even art exhibition organizing. Designlobby headquartered in Berlin, Germany, was initiated the establishment by the famous Greek architect Vassilios P. Bartzokas. Its design team includes quite a few hot shops in European design market, even the logo designer for 2004 Athens Olympic, Red Design Consultants.
We have never focused on client numbers. We prefer to think boutique, creative, and effective. We are different. Armed with many years of international experience, Alar has developed a unique branding methodology: “Brand Ambassadorship” and GROW Model. That’s our trademark – a branding mindset across boundaries. We believe there is an alternative way to build friendly and pleasant relationship which is good for both brand and business. Just like an old English saying: “a brand in need is a brand indeed.” A truly good brand has its unique value and can attract and retain its target audience. This is what we stand for: brand Ambassadorship.
At Alar, we believe, first of all, brand should be interesting. Then, well recognized, convincing and persuasive. We have to leverage brand’s attractiveness, reputation and trust-worthiness (ART) and enable brand to have an “ambassador”, through which we build a right relationship and fulfill brand’s influence. We call this our ART Philosophy: All we need to do is to build brand’s ART – Attractiveness, Reputation and Trust-worthiness. ART is our methodology, also our measurement.