对出国奢购Say No。
Say no to buying luxury abroad


对出国奢购Say No

Say No to Buying Luxury abroad


国家颁布政策预将海南变成“国际旅游岛”,中免集团为了抢在国际免税连锁店品牌DFS之前率先在三亚开店,需要一个准确的品牌定位。接触这个项目之后,我们先小规模地对三亚免税店进行了市场调研、竞争对手分析、SWOT分析等基本研究,然后应用我们的专利品牌工具GROW品牌成长模型进一步发展品牌定位,提出三亚免税店的品牌概念与品牌说辞:“奢华购物无国界” 。

Before Sanya became “International tourism island” and was benefited by national policy on duty free, China Duty Free Group got us and had us positioned their up-coming Sanya Store. We applied our methodology and GROW Model into this case, and positioned store with “NO Boundary“ concept.