Going beyond the “Hill”, BMW resorts to famous ancient generals for SNS campaign
当“每一个人心中都有一辆JEEP”的挑衅广告挑起汽车品牌反击热火时,一场由微信网友自发创作的“山丘体”瞬间横行,如何在这个社交媒体传播的背景上借势并胜出?我们从产品诉求转变为品牌精神,源自山丘颠覆山丘,将“山丘”变成“岳”飞,将“去哪” 变成霍去病,将“家”与“车”变成“稼轩”辛弃疾,微信创意是纵使遭遇千难万阻,也一直拥有的“信步如飞”的激情动力,“来去自如”的驾乘乐趣,以及“四海为家”的男儿情怀,表现了宝马品牌的“更高层次”。
When the provoking commercial of “Everyone has a Jeep in their hearts”waged the counterattack against automobile brands, the “Hill style” created spontaneously by WeChat users gained massive popularity. What can be done to take advantage of SNScommunicationand win the war? We have transformed the appeal for our products into brand spirit. We were inspired by the “Hill” but tried to go beyond the “Hill”, using the images of YueFei (his surname means high hills), HuoQubing and XinQijin, three respected ancient generals,to cast the “higher level” of BMW.