Successive infinite possibilities
当一个用户说出“我会因为工作繁忙而减少使用脉脉的时间”这样的评价时,意味着脉脉需要新的品牌定位与口号提升品牌的号召力。通过调研,我们发现在职场社交软件能提供的众多价值中,“人脉”一直是最主要的,这也是用户的根本出发点。考察脉脉、社交与行业本身的概念和实质,以及用户的态度,都说明“人脉”的极端重要性与显著性,我们梳理出脉脉的6大品牌关键词,并提出“赋能以可能Empower the possibilities”的品牌定位和相应的品牌口号。
When a user says that “I should reduce the time I browse Maimai because my work is busy”, this means Maimai needs brand new positioning and slogan to enhance the brand appeal.The concept and substance of social contacts and industriesas well as the attitude of customers, they all demonstrate the extreme importance and significance of “social connections”. We sorted out the 6 brand keywords of Maimaiand put forward the brand positioning of “Empower the possibilities” and corresponding brand slogan.